The Serpence Blog

Expand your SEO and Marketing knowledge with detailed tutorials and case studies.

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Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

The Art of Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Review a comprehensive guide on writing SEO-friendly blog posts. Learn how to do keyword research, craft engaging content, optimize blog posts and more.

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Person Using Macbook Pro on White Table
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

On-Page SEO: Best Practices and Tips for Beginners

Read a complete guide on on-page SEO strategies for beginners. Discover the importance of user experience, effective content management, and more.

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person writing on white paper
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

Local SEO Ranking Factors for Small Business Owners

Read about Local SEO strategies for small businesses. Discover importance of local SEO in attracting local customers and increasing online visibility.

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Woman Wears Yellow Hard Hat Holding Vehicle Part
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

SEO vs. SEM: Understanding the Difference

Discover SEO and SEM, their different approaches and purposes, and their importance in increasing a website's visibility on search engines.

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Search engine optimization illustration
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

SEO for E-commerce Business Owners: Winning Online Markets

Read a comprehensive guide on SEO for e-commerce business owners. Learn the importance of keyword research, optimizing product pages, and more.

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Computer Beside Person Holding Red Smart Card
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

Voice Search Optimization for Writers

Read this article on the rise of voice search technology, its impact on SEO and content creation. Discover practical tips for targeting voice queries.

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A Man Holding a Smartphone
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

Writing SEO-Friendly Headlines: Crafting Click-Worthy Titles

Read a comprehensive guide on creating SEO-friendly headlines, by keeping headlines clear, concise, and incorporating relevant keywords.

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MacBook Pro near white open book
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

SEO Keyword Research for Business Owners

Read a comprehensive guide on SEO keyword research for business owners. Discover the importance of SEO tools for business owners, and more.

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Keyboard, magnifier, wooden cubes on black desk background
Profile Picture Dejan Demonjić - Monday, September 16, 2024

Test blog Nevena

neki kao opis...

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Google Spelled on Letter Cubes

How to Make Your Brand More Visible with SEO?

The importance of SEO strategy monitoring and analysis, and the benefits of hiring professional assistance to ensure a consistent and competitive online presence.

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How to Make Your Brand More Visible with SEO?